Have some friends that’re looking for something fun and different to do? Come by Risian Flux and head down to the lake and try out our brand new Bumper Buoy Game by Buttonjar!

This is a bit like aquatic soccer, or water polo, but played in bumper boats! Just touch one of the boat rezzers (red team or blue team), hop in your bumper boat, repeat until you have your teams set and in position. Then touch the scoreboard and follow the menu options to start a game!
The Bumper Buoy Game is open to residents and guests alike, so we hope you’ll stop by and enjoy, and if you’re having fun remember to donate to Risian Flux via the Donationometers (there’s one right in the office).

There’s also a standalone bumper buoy rezzer down at the beach if you’d like to explore the Risian Flux waterways at your leisure.