Welcome to BnL Estates at Risian Flux!
Risian Flux is a friendly, community oriented neighborhood with members from all over the world. Everyone is welcome to become a member and participate at Risian Flux. Thank you for visiting, and we hope you will join us here!
In order to continue to offer our various public venues, hangouts and event facilities, including occasional events with prizes including L$, please consider supporting BnL Estates at Risian Flux by making a donation in any of the various donationometers throughout the public areas of the region.
There is zero tolerance towards those who engage in any kind of hatred and/or discrimination, whether it be sexual, gender, religious, race or any other matter. Those engaging in such behavior will be immediately removed, items returned and any rent and/or donations forfeited.
Estate Rules
- NO DRAMA – keep it to yourself; use Instant Messages or a PRIVATE voice call.
- NO HARRASMENT– harassing visitors or residents will not be tolerated and will be cause for ejection and banning from the region.
- DON’T CAUSE LAG. Be aware of the lag you cause with your avatar, attachments or objects. Anyone/thing creating excessive lag will be asked to leave or will be sent home/returned.
- SCRIPTS – objects and avatars with excessive scripts will be warned and/or removed.
- VOICE SETTINGS – Be aware of your voice-settings or keeping your microphone open. Excessive feedback, background noise or overdriving will not be tolerated, and you will be given a warning to adjust and/or shut off your mic. If you do not comply with the request you may be ejected from the region, and potentially banned for repeat behavior.
Risian Flux Rules
- NO user under the age of 18 is permitted in Risian Flux. Risian Flux is set to Mature/Moderate at all times. This is a Linden Lab (LL) Terms of Service (TOS) condition. Avatars may be under-age but their behavior and appearance MUST comply with the LL TOS.
- Weapons are only permitted in Risian Flux as long as use does not cause offense or be used to harass and/or grief others. Weapons are NOT to be used near the landing area, in the Marketplace plaza or shops, the Enchanted Castle or the Office. In the event of a visitor(s) arriving in the area, please cease firing! Bullets/projectiles should be temporary and not require any kind of clearing up.
- Role-playing is permitted in Risian Flux only if all who are involved consent to participate. Role-playing may be done in private or public areas of Risian Flux, including the Enchanted Castle, and Risian Flux Academy. All role-play must conform to the LL TOS.
- Nudity/sexual activity – Risian Flux is set to Mature/Moderate; therefore nudity and sexual acts are allowed but must be confined to private residences ONLY. Permanent display of erotic materials should also be confined to your private residence and must NOT be clearly visible to public areas of Risian Flux. Under-age avatars are NOT permitted to be nude under any circumstance, violators will be banned from the region and reported to LL. If under-age avatars are using any of the public areas of Risian Flux, all other avatars in the vicinity MUST cover or remove any genitalia.
- (Owner) Bind Lawksley https://my.secondlife.com/bind.lawksley
- (General Manager) Matt Fluffpaw https://my.secondlife.com/matt.fluffpaw
- (Envoy) Cam De Vil https://my.secondlife.com/princecameron
- (Envoy) Segiru Xiao https://my.secondlife.com/segiru.xiao
We reserve the right to evict, remove, ban, return objects for non-payment and/or non-compliance with the Risian Flux Rules or with Linden Labs Terms of Service.
These rules are subject to change without notice.
Revised: July 2020